便攜式快速測油儀/手持式快速水中油分析儀 型號:M23-TD500D(美國) | 庫號:M121281 | 便攜式快速測油儀/手持式快速水中油分析儀M23-TD500D(美國)更多信息>>> |
標(biāo)準(zhǔn)配置清單: TD500雙通道水中油分析儀 (包含A、B通道)一臺 PC測量池 500個 萃取液取液器 500個 Check point 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)模塊 1個 便攜式檢測箱 1個 手持式快速水中油分析儀 世界的技術(shù),zui簡便的操作,zui 小型化設(shè)計,zui廣譜的萃取試劑,能準(zhǔn)確地測 量水中、土壤中原油、燃料油、潤化油等石油 等污染物??捎糜谟吞镩_發(fā)、鉆井、脫鹽尾水, 冷凝液、船艙底水、原油加工、煉制等行業(yè)。 儀器特征 _ 分析時間小于4min _ 廣泛的萃取試劑 _無試劑揮發(fā) _ 可用標(biāo)準(zhǔn)油或其它方法進(jìn)行校證 _ zui低檢測限,小于1.0ppm _ 檢測范圍:0-1000ppm _ 手持式<0.4kg _ 測定水樣酸化至pH<2 _ 甲醇對測定沒影響 _ 高的準(zhǔn)確性和重復(fù)性 _ 與紅外、紫外、可見光及重量法有很好的匹配性。 _ 配有固定校準(zhǔn)器 _ UV熒光技術(shù) _ ISO 9001 認(rèn)證 _ 一次性或可多次性使用的比色管 _ 電源供給:4節(jié)AAA電池 _電池可測定>1000次 _ CE 認(rèn)證 Portable Oil in Water Analyzer New Dual-Channel TD-500D Turner Designs Hydrocarbon Instruments, Inc. announces a major improvement to their very popular TD-500 handheld oil in water analyzer. Recent field developments and new applications led to the introduction of an additional optical channel for the existing very successful TD-500. The dual-channel design makes the TD-500D applicable to a wide range of hydrocarbon types and concentrations. Channel “A” has the same optics as the original TD-500 and the new Channel “B” is for heavy crude oils or applications that require an increased measurement range without solvent dilution. The new channel “B” eliminates the need for sample dilution even with crude oil concentrations over 1000ppm. Channel A can be used for gas condensates and refined oils and fuel such as diesel from over 1000ppm to below 1ppm. The TD-500D handheld oil in water analyzer was initially developed for offshore oil applications including produced water, deck drains, and bilge water and is now being used for oil spill response and many other oil in water analysis applications. In the recent months the TD-500 was deployed at four major oil spills in the US and Canada. Special very simple field sampling methods are being developed by Turner Designs Hydrocarbon Instruments for the TD-500D for enforcement of international oily bilge water discharge laws. The United States Coast Guard (USCG) was one of the first customers. The TD-500D is compatible with all popular solvents used for solvent extraction and evaporation is not required. In addition, Turner Designs Hydrocarbon Instruments is developing a new environmentally friendly solvent free method. Turner Designs Hydrocarbon Instruments supplies single sample analyzers and continuous on-line oil in water analyzers to all industries from drinking water to power plants, to heavy industry and oil production facilities worldwide. |
紅外分光測油儀/紅外測油儀 型號:CN61M/HR-LT-9100B | 庫號:M2015 | 紅外分光測油儀/紅外測油儀CN61M/HR-LT-9100B更多信息>>> |
紅外 技術(shù)參數(shù) 性能指標(biāo) 基線漂移小于0.005AU/60min 檢出極限小于0.2μg/mL(萃取溶劑中) 相對標(biāo)準(zhǔn)偏差RSD<2%(濃度為20~80μg/mL的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)油樣品) 線性相關(guān)系數(shù)r>0.999 規(guī)格參數(shù) 波數(shù)范圍: 3400cm-1~2400cm-1(即2940nm~4167nm) 吸光度范圍: 0.0000~ 3.0000(即透過率100~ 10%T) 基本測量范圍: 0.2~160μg/mL(4cm石英比色皿池) zui低檢出濃度: 0.002μg/mL(4cm石英比色皿池,萃取濃縮100倍) zui大測量濃度: 64000μg/mL(0.5cm石英比色皿池,稀釋100倍) 樣品分析時間: 全譜單點掃描:20多秒 定點多次掃描: 10秒鐘 非分散紅外法: 2秒鐘 空白萃取溶劑調(diào)零: 自動 主機外型尺寸: 470mm(長)×330mm(寬)×150mm(高) 主機重量: 10kg 主機電源功率: 220V、50Hz 主要特點 全國*在儀器主機內(nèi)完成AD/DA轉(zhuǎn)換功能,通過RS232或USB接口實現(xiàn)與電腦鏈接的實驗室儀器。該儀器測量范圍寬、檢出限低、準(zhǔn)確、快速、操作簡單、性能品質(zhì)超群。 儀器介紹 定性分析: 一定頻率的紅外線經(jīng)過分子時,如果分子中某一個鍵的振動頻率和它一樣,這個鍵就吸收紅 外線而增加能量,振動就會加強;如果分子中沒有同樣頻率的鍵,紅外線就不會被吸收。若連續(xù)改變紅外 線的頻率照射樣品時,則通過樣品吸收池的紅外線,有些區(qū)域較強,有些區(qū)域較弱,從而產(chǎn)生了紅外吸 收光譜。定量分析:當(dāng)某單色光通過被測溶液時,其能量就會被吸收。光強被吸收的強弱與被測物質(zhì)的 濃度成比例。 即符合比爾定律 A=log(1/T)=log(I0/I)=a*b*c 符合標(biāo)準(zhǔn) 中華人民共和國國家標(biāo)準(zhǔn)“GB/T16488-1996水質(zhì)石油類和動植物油的測定紅外光度法” |